داستان آبیدیک

case study


1 حسابداری و مالی:: مطالعه‌ی موردی

Empirical research using case studies are mainly devoted to IC management control and strategy. In the present study the aim is slightly different: first of all the research is intended to study the on-going process of adoption of IR, thus investigating the step already taken in the case study analyzed, and also to foresee, together with relevant actors interviewed inside the organization, further steps to be completed. The case study chosen, triangulating documents, information available on the web and results of interviews, seek to verify to what extent, as already highlighted throughout the present chapter, the adoption of an integrated thinking required to progressively introduce a different approach to set strategies, objectives and measurement control tools, bearing in mind the full adoption of an integrated thinking before producing the IR. For these reasons the case study presented in the last chapter is intended to analyse the process started in a public sector organization towards the adoption of the Integrated Reporting, by showing the undergoing management accounting change process. theory Old institutional economics New institutional sociology Routines Keywords Integrated reporting Management accounting change Institutional An increasing volume of case study research has provided further, more detailed evidence for the contemporary existence and nature of management accounting change.

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 عمومی:: موردکاوی، بررسی‌ موردی‌، موردپژوهی

شبکه مترجمین ایران

3 عمومی:: مطالعه موردی، بررسی موردی، مورد پژوهی

case study was created ( Merriam 1998). Case Study Tent hers Five elementary teachers ( Table 11 who were members of the Leadership Institute volunteered to participate in a case study. Case study participants in l)te .cadership Institute Table 2 Initial pedagogies ol the case study teachers

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 chemical engineering:: مطالعه موردی

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

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